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Listed are some of the resources you will need whether moving into the community or a long-time resident. If you have any resources you think would be of benefit to the community please send them to me.

San Juan Water District
Garbage (also see link below for Folsom Recycling & Solid Waste Collection
Folsom Recycling & Solid Waste Collection

For bulk waste that won't fit in your trash can call: (916) 355-8367 ext. #1
For electronic or hazardous waste pick-up click here

Sacramento County Services
General Sacramento County Website
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Sacramento Mosquito & Vector Control
Folsom Recycling & Solid Waste Collection

Folsom Post Office: (916) 983-0371

Lost Pet?
It is scary when you lose a furry member of your family. Here are a couple of resources to help expedite their return.
Sacramento SPCA: (916) 875-5232
Placer SPCA: (916) 782-7722
Sacramento County Animal Shelter: (916) 875-5232
Petfinders Website

Report a Barking Dog
Barking is a natural behavior for dogs - they bark to express joy, fear and loneliness. At times, chronic dog barking, howling or crying can interfere with neighbors. It is the responsibility of the dog owner to insure their dog does not annoy the neighbors, and chronic barking issues can result in the issuance of a citation by Animal Officers. View the Barking Dog page for more information.

Service Provided By: Animal Care & Regulation
3839 Bradshaw Rd (Map)
Sacramento, CA 95827
916-368-PETS (7387) or e-mail

Report "Street Parking"
Parking on the street is not allowed in the Cascades except as per our CC&Rs. See page 10 "Parking Restrictions; Use of Garage" in our CC&Rs, which you can find on this website under Cascade Resources. If you find a vehicle in violation you can call Davis Tow: (916) 991-9900. See Davis Tow signs at gates for more information.

Crime Information
City of Folsom Police Reports
These reports are sorted by day of the week and in a convenient PDF download format.
Folsom police non-emergency number: (916) 355-7231. In an emergency dial "911".

Megan's Law Website
The law is not intended to punish the offender and specifically prohibits using the information to harass or commit any crime against the offender.

Local Event Information
Folsom Chamber of Commerce
Folsom Historic District

Discover Folsom
Visit Folsom

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  This site is managed and maintained by a member of the Cascades community. Any activities from this site that you post or become involved in are not to be considered operated or provided by the website administrator, the Cascades Board of Directors, the Cascades H.O.A., or Michael and Sons Property Management. By using this site and it's features you agree to this statement and to hold harmless the aforementioned persons and/or entities.  
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